Online Business School / Employment Agency
Business Startup, Advertising and Marketing, Business Growth, & Problem-Solving.
Advertising, Marketing & Sales – Questions Asked
Advertising, Marketing, and Sales - Questions Asked
How the advertising industry works.
Please note that advertising is about making customers aware of your company or organization existence and creating a desire in a targeted market of consumers to purchase your products and services.
Advertising results are not guaranteed. Your business or organization is responsible for selling your products and services to that targeted market of consumers once that target market of consumers reacts in a tangible way to advertisement.
Please note:
Advertising is a necessary evil. Why do I say that? Because if you fail to advertise, market, and brand your products and service your target market consumers will not know your business or organization exists and you will not generate enough business to grow your business or organization.
Yes, word of mouth advertisement is the best advertisement that a business or organization can get simply because it doesn’t cost anything. But that is usually short in supply. This means failing to advertise is like having the perfect gismo, but no one knows you exist. And no one talks about you unless that have a bad experience. Unfortunately, that is the way most humans are wired.
Therefore, advertising, marketing, and branding dollars spend can mean that your company or organization can grow and become a profitable experience. But on the other hand, if you do not advertise, market, and brand your company’s products and service it could mean another business or organization startup that eventually fails in a short period of time.
If you have questions about Advertising, Marketing, and Sales you should set up a free first-time consultation with Minds4biz Incorporations independently contracted freelance Digital Marketing Specialist and/or Sales Specialist.
What is advertising in business?
What should every entrepreneur know about advertising?
When should you start to sell your products and services?
What is branding in business?
What should every entrepreneur know about branding?
What is the difference between advertising, marketing, and branding?
What should every entrepreneur know about advertising, marketing, and branding?
How much should you spend or budget for advertising, marketing, and branding expenses?
What does Return on Investment (R.O.I.) mean in Business?
What is an advertising, marketing, and branding plan?
What is an advertising, marketing, and branding budget?
What is the difference between a plan and a budget?
E. Digital Marketing Specialist
How can a Digital Marketing Specialist assist your business or organization with advertising and marketing?
What questions will a Digital Marketing Specialist ask before your first consultation?
What questions should you have answered at your first consultation with a Digital Marketing Specialist?
Why is it important to understand how your competitors are advertising?
How can a company distribute its products and services to a global audience?
What are business industry marketing trends?
What is the difference between a Digital Marketing Specialist and a Sales Specialist?
What business-related question would you like answered by a Digital Marketing Specialist?
How can a Sales Specialist assist your business or organization with advertising and marketing?
Define sales funneling?
What questions will a Sales Specialist ask before your first consultation?
What questions should you have answered during your first consultation with a Sales Specialist?
Should a Sales Specialist have a working knowledge of your company’s products and services, and why?
Why is it important to understand how a company’s competitors advertise as a Sales Specialist?
How can a company distribute its products and services to a global audience?
What are business industry marketing trends?
What business-related question would you like answered by a Sales Specialist?