Online Business School / Employment Agency
Business Startup, Advertising and Marketing, Business Growth, & Problem-Solving.
Business Startup Questions
[You have many questions. We have answers to those business-related questions.]
Progression of Events:
A. Understanding what it takes to be an entrepreneur and a successful businessperson.
1. What is an entrepreneur?
1a. What is a simple definition of an entrepreneur?
1b. What is entrepreneurship?
1c. What skills are required to be successful entrepreneurs or businesspeople?
2. What steps can you take to be a successful entrepreneur or businessperson?
2a. Entrepreneurs usually have a new business idea or concept for conducting business. What is yours? Please Explain.
2b. What are some core elements of a business idea or concept?
3. Please list some nonprofit organizations [Business Service Organizations (BSOs)] that can assist with mentoring and business development.
4. Why should you incorporate your business or organization?
5. What is the process for starting a business or organization in the United States?
B. Developing a business plan and why it is essential to the business startup process.
6. What is a business plan?
6a. What is the purpose of a business plan?
6b. What are the essential parts of a business plan?
C. Networking with Business Support Service Providers
7. What business professionals do you think entrepreneurs need to network with when starting a new business or organization, and why?
8. What questions should an entrepreneur ask an Accountant when attempting to start a business or organization?
8a. What are the duties and responsibilities of an Accountant?
8b. What questions should an entrepreneur ask an Accountant when attempting to start a business or organization?
9. What are business or organization tax structures?
10. What business executives can you structure your company or organization’s executive management team?
11. What business professionals can assist you with incorporating your business or organization?
12. Why would any business need the services provided by a Business Lawyer?
13. When starting a business or organization, what questions should you ask a Business Lawyer?
D. Keeping track of all financial transactions.
14. What is outsourcing in business?
14a. How can you keep track of all business financial transactions and taxes paid to the government?
14b. What must you know about accounting services and bookkeeping software?
14c. What business professionals can assist with the hiring process for business startups?
14d. Who has the best payroll processing software or services?
E. Answering questions about business setup and financing.
15. Do you need much money to start a business or good credit?
16. What documents do you need to open a commercial business account at the bank of your choice?
17. What are the pros and cons of financing your startup business utilizing bank loans?
18. What are the procedures for establishing good business credit?
19. What business professionals can help you secure financial assistance to start your business?
20. How can you qualify for financial assistance to start your business or organization?
21. What are business grants for your startup business or organization?
21a. What are the pros and cons of financing your startup with grants?
21b. What does a Grant Writer provide about the pros and cons of financing your startup utilizing Business Support Services?
21c. What is seed funding for startup businesses?
21d. What are the pros and cons of getting financial assistance to start your business or organization and get startup money from an Angel Investor?
21e. What are the pros and cons of getting financial assistance to start your business or organization with startup money from a Venture Capitalist Group of Investors?
21f. How and why would an entrepreneur want to attract the attention of an Angel Investor or a Venture Capitalist Group of Investors?
22. Why do many Business Startups fail in the first year?
22a. What can you do to avoid business startup failure?
22b. What is budgeting and forecasting, and why is it important?
22c. Why is a business budget important?
22d. What is business forecasting?
22e. What is a business operation emergency fund?
22f. What are some key reasons to have a business operating budget?
23. Why do startup businesses need a company website?
24. What business-related startup question would you like answered by one of our remote business professionals under what business profession?